Thursday, December 27, 2012

Merry Little Christmas

The past couple of days have been filled with family, friends, and amazing food. It has also been filled with pretty gifts, good conversations, and wonderful memories. This was Audrey's second Christmas and she really got to participate in the gift giving this year. She loved opening her gifts and would give a big smile and say "wow... nice" when she saw what she got :) The one thing I want for the Little Lady is to look forward to Christmas because of the family get togethers and spending time with loved ones. I don't want her main focus to always be all about the gifts. We will see how this goes... she still hasn't met Santa and doesn't understand the whole concept just yet. 

I can't believe how fast the holiday has come and gone. I get a little time off from work and I am looking forward to spending some time with the Little Lady and can't wait to have some lazy days as well :) Hope everyone had a good Christmas!!!

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