Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Twenty Two

Dear Little Lady,
I can't believe in a few short weeks you will be two years old!! I still remember when you turned one like it was yesterday. The time has gone by so quickly and we always try to take in each moment. You are always on a search for a big adventure and you usually find one. The outdoors is your best friend and exploring it is your passion. Here are some of things you are into or doing these days...

1. Eating (your appetite is back in action.)
2. Loving your "baby bock bocks" :)
3. Helping your dad with yard work. 
4. Learning to count in Spanish :)
5. Brussel sprouts are your love them.
6. Playing with your cousin Julian
7. Arguing with Bella the two can't agree on toys to play with :)
8. You have discovered the word "no" :(
9. Bath time and bed time is your favorite :)
10. Repeating pretty much anything we say.
11. You can finally say your name correctly... "Audreeeee" :)

I am just trying to enjoying every moment with you Little Lady. Can't wait for our next big adventure, with you anything is possible. Happy 22 months!!


p. s. you so look like your dad in these pictures, you and your dad have the same mischievous little faces :)

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