Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Book Worm!

One thing we would like to show our Little Lady is the importance and the simple joy of reading. I try to read her two or three books before bed time. She loves to look at the pictures and hear my voice tell the story. Although, her favorite part is to eat the books :) I hope to keep this as a nightly tradition for years to come or anytime she feels like reading. I hope to have many library adventures as well. When I was little I use to love going to the book mobile with my grandma and I still remember getting my first library card..haha! I was a true book worm and I hope our Little Lady will be as well.


  1. Books are a great family tradition! That's a great collection she has.

  2. Hey found you through Milk-Friendly .. your husband paid for a sponsor that's so cute !

    I really want my little Josh to be a reader and when we move I want to create a small space for him to go and read quietly .. Half his Christmas prezzies r books lol

    Happy Christmas x x
